Get your company on the path to success
Strategize. Organize. Save Money.
The cost of mailing increases every year and even small regulation changes impact companies in ways many do not associate to postage or mail. Postage is not a “fixed cost” that cannot be impacted, and organizations need optimization strategies and policies to maintain prices, offer discounts, realize workflow efficiencies and remain compliant.
Many organizations do not know where to start.
Strategic Postal Advisors does and can help.
​Our analyses provide collaborative solutions that provide visibility to the enterprise postal life-cycle, control over mail related budgets, workflow optimization, address quality strategies and generate real savings to your “bottom line”.
Strategic Postal Advisors audits mail related processes to document current state workflows across all organizational departments/lines of business and delivers a forward-looking Enterprise Postal Strategy based on proven methodologies and industry best practices we have seen and developed for other organizations.
​This Postal Lifecycle strategy will;
Identifying sustainable savings and cost avoidance opportunities that drive efficiencies that support an organization’s communications life-cycle, optimize and control postage spend and improve mail deliverability.
​We help your company to streamline workflows, ensure data integrity and provide sustainable process driven solutions that deliver actionable data an organization can use to enhance the customer experience they communicate and deliver.
Our motivation: Helping organizations understand and realize the real savings opportunities that they may be overlooking. At the core of our success is central coordination of solutions that drive revenue, savings and process improvement for our clients and their operational processes.
​We strive to deliver our clients:
Visibility into the Postal Lifecycle
Reduced financial risk and impact associated with postal compliance audits
Deeper and more frequent access to USPS discounted rates
Mitigation strategies to address future postage rate increases
Improved mail deliverability
Actionable data that our clients can use to assure capital investments are optimized to comply with future postal regulation and technology changes
Savings measured at the Postage Cost Per Piece (PCPP) level
Our areas of focus
Enterprise Postal Strategy
Postal and Data Governance
Address Quality Health Analysis
Postal Spend and Optimization Analysis
Mailing, Fulfillment, Postage and Pricing Strategies
Production Mail Workflow and Technology Optimization Analysis
Return Mail Assessment and Management
Managing and Negotiating Vendor Contracts
Mail and Print Center Operational Assessments and Development